
Is your Signature Line Set-Up?

It is one of the easiest things we can do to send out a "free" advertisement for our business, but I bet there are many out there who don't use this easy to use function on their email! How many of you currently have your "signature" line set-up so that every time you send out an email, your name and business name and website appear at the bottom of those notes?

If you don't have this feature set-up on your email, I want you to stop reading this blog and go set it up! You are missing out on a great opportunity to share your business with your family, friends, co-workers and more!

Have you ever forwarded an email, whether it be something funny, serious or thoughtful? Ever notice how those continue to just be forwarded with most of the content from each email still there? Think how many times your "signature" could be seen if you do this.

Now, I'm not encouraging you all to go out and start forwarding everything that comes in to your email box just so you can get this information out there! We all know how we feel about too much of this type of stuff. :-) But, in the event that you do pass something "good" along to your email list, make sure your signature is on there in case someone you sent it to gets the urge to forward it!!

My signature line is rather simple and I will admit that I change it from time to time to keep it interesting and different and to pique interest! Here is my current signature line...

Dawn Rhodes, Owner

Stylish-Trendy-Affordable Jewelry

The Joyful Bride
Making Wedding Planning a Joyful Experience!

That's my current signature line that goes out on every email that I send out...whether it be personal or professional...it goes out! Now I encourage all of you to go and make sure that your signature lines are set-up and actively going out on all your emails...you never know whose reading or shopping!!

Until next time....Blessings! ~ Dawn

PS...yes, I did take on another business venture with "The Joyful Bride." :-) I handle all the marketing/advertising and day-to-day operations for this new business. Great, new product. I also have a wedding coordinator background and do that work some with my "day" job! We have a new blog for that business as well http://thejoyfulbride.blogspot.com. Thanks for checking it out!


Three Things to Remember for Any Business...

I saw this post the other day while reading through the Business Topics on the Etsy Forums section. It immediately caught my eye and I asked the author of the original post if I could share it with my blog readers because I felt it was some great information!!

This was written by the owner of NeatThings who has her store on Etsy at www.neatthings.etsy.com. I encourage you all after reading this artcle to check out her store as well. She has some great products like mini note cards (great for thank you notes!!) and cards and much more that could be helpful in your store!!

For now..here are three things to remember for those of us in business....

1. It doesn't matter if people hate you.
Some people are going to love you and your shop. Some people are going to hate you and your shop. If you're me, some people might want to kill you in your sleep and never see any reference to your shop again. At the end of the day, who cares what people think? The ones who love you will buy things. The ones who hate you will talk about how much they hate you to other people, some of whom will love you and buy things. It’s win, win all around. So be yourself and everything will be just fine.

2. If you blame the economy for your business failure, you'll never succeed in business.
I mean it this time. If business has slowed down and you're looking at the DOW and deciding that the economy is to blame for your failures, you might as well close up shop now. Sure, the economy may contribute. But other businesses like yours - on Etsy and off - are moving product. If it really was the economy's fault, no "luxury" good would be selling to anyone.Instead, take responsibility for your business. Look at those businesses that are selling. Figure out a way to promote or rebrand or change something about your business instead of blaming your failure on something you cannot control.

3. Artists complain, business professionals act.
You can bet your bum that Warren Buffet didn't become the "world's shrewdest businessman" by whining to the world about how horrible things were when he was getting started. Steve Jobs didn't whine about having only 3% of market share, instead he created a new product that became an empire (iPod, iPhone, iEmpire).Sure. Sometimes things are going to get you down and you might want to vent a little.

But if this becomes modus operandi (i.e. happens more than once per year), you're going to trap your tail in the great spinning wheel of failure.If failure isn’t an option, next time you're tempted to complain, think. Solve the problem. See if you can improve your situation in some productive way that doesn't involve burdening others with your misery.

You can either be buried by your problems, or let them catapult you to great achievements. The choice is yours.

Everything she has shared with you in these three points is very accurate! The success or failure of our businesses is entirely up to us. We need to remember these things and act accordingly when they arise! :-)

Until next time....Blessings! ~ Dawn


Sisterhood Award - Nice Way to Start the Weekend!

Since it's the weekend I thought I'd take a little break from the "norm" and share this post with you...

Thanks to KayzKreations for giving me this award and for the nice comments she gave me regarding this blog.This is my first "award" for my blog! ;-) It is my pleasure to share this blog with all of you and hopefully help you along the way with your businesses as well.

Thanks again to KayzKreations for thinking of me! Be sure to check out her Etsy store while you have some time this weekend! http://www.kayzkreations.etsy.com
Until next time...Blessings! ~ Dawn


I did it...I joined Facebook! Free Marketing!

I took the plunge and joined Facebook last week. I hadn't joined before now for several reasons, but after getting 8 invites to join from friends and family in one week, I said that's it, and joined.

I'm not addicted to it like my 19 & 15 year old nephews are, but it is interesting and I have reconnected with lots of friends and family from all over the country so that has been cool!

What's also been neat is that I added a link to my Etsy store and my Etsy mini is also on my box page and since adding these, I've noticed on my analytics that I've received several clicks to my store from my facebook link! So I have added yet another fairly easy marketing tool for my business by having this page. :-) Not bad!

While I can't say I've gained a sale from it yet, I have however exposed my shop to all of my friends on there (90+ as of today) and given my store another audience to promote to. Many of these people were unaware that I did jewelry or even had a store. Much like a mailing list, this keeps your name and products in front of your family and friends and whenever they are looking for jewelry or a gift, they will hopefully remember me and check out the store!

You can also set up a business page on Facebook, but I haven't explored that option yet. Right now, I'm content with what I have on there and don't want to get too bogged down with more and more things to keep up with. :-)

So if you haven't joined, consider it! And if you have, make sure you have your store mini or website link on your site! It's free promotion and that is always good!

Until next time....Blessings! ~ Dawn

PS...you can add me as a friend on Facebook if you want....there is a link to my profile on the left hand side of this blog! :-)


Putting Your Small Business on my Resume?

If you watch the news at all these days we all hear the same things, job cuts, recession/depression, and the list goes on. It's hard not to know someone these days who isn't looking for a job. My sister, a 20+ year certified professional resume writer is probably one of the few people these days who has seen an increase in her business. Revisions to old resumes, people who have never needed a resume because they've been working 25+ years are now needing one and the list goes on. It's really quite sad at times and my heart goes out to those going through this.

I have had people ask me personally and I've also seen this topic in various forums about should I or shouldn't I use my small business on my resume. My answer to that (and also my sister's answer) is most definitely YES!!!!

As we all know, running a small business like we do is not easy. For most of us, we are the only employee and we are left to run every aspect of the business. We are the owner, designer, marketer, accountant and much more.

Using this information on your resume, even if its unrelated to a job you might be applying for, can tell your potential employer a lot of about you. It can show creativity, diversity, a wide spectrum of experience (marketing, advertising, customer service) and much more. It can also be used as a conversation starter during an interview. It could lead to a lot of different and good things.

So to those who might be looking for a new job go ahead and put your small business on your resume. Show a potential employer that you bring more to the table with your small business experience than most would! Set yourself apart and stand out in a huge crowd these days when it comes to applying for a job!

Until next time--Blessings! ~ Dawn


Quick Update on my Absence

Hi Everyone...just wanted to send out a brief note and let you know that I haven't been neglecting my blog. My health kind of got in the way.

I got sick last week and ended up in the hospital for a couple of days. Nothing real serious...just severely anemic and caused my heart to race a little bit. Received some blood and a strict warning from the doctor about slowing down and am now on some healthy doses of iron to get "built back up!"

I hope to be posting again in the next couple of days for you all! In the meantime, keep working on your businesses and if you have any questions or things you'd like me to respond to, let me know!

Blessings, Dawn