
Leaving Your Mark on Various On-Line Sites

I've noticed through Google Analytics that lately, several hits to my Etsy store have come from the Relay for Life website. Your probably wondering why, so let me explain a little.

I donate a portion of my sales to the American Cancer Society. I don't really advertise that I do this, I just quietly give back. I decided to do this when I started my business because cancer has affected too many in my family and also too many friends and I felt it was important to give back, much like I give to my church. I've been blessed and I pass it on. While it's not a lot, it is something and every little bit helps towards finding a cure for this terrible disease.

I've participated in Relay for Life, been a team captain and more for the past few years as well. I posted probably two years ago on the Relay for Life site about creating a Cancer Awareness bracelet that our team was selling to help raise funds. And since that time, I still get hits from that post to my website and now on my Etsy store. I had no clue that sharing that idea would lead to exposure for my site. That certainly wasn't my intent when I posted the idea on that site!

Posting to various websites, leaving blog comments, etc., can lead to more exposure for your business. While I thought my personal post on this forum board was just sharing a fundraising idea for our Relay team, its turned out to be a lead for my store and I still get several requests from people wanting to purchase these bracelets or have special orders of these bracelets in certain cancer awareness colors.

Keep in mind when you are posting blog comments, responding on message/forum boards, using the forums section on Etsy or any other type of on-line media outlet, you are leaving your mark and therefore, you are probably going to be driving traffic to your store.

Make sure that when you do this, your posts are relevant, pleasant, and make the reader maybe want to find out more about you and you store as well. Don't ever leave rude comments or post something negative about a competitor on these types of posts either. That just makes your business look bad.

Next time you go to post, give it a couple of minutes of time and put some thought in to you. You never know what it might lead to! :-)

Until next time...Blessings! ~ Dawn


  1. Thank you for your quiet support in cancer research! I'm excited to hear more of your advice!

  2. That's great that you're able to donate and participate in other ways. I, too, am trying to come up with an idea for raising some money and donating for a very dear friend of mine who just found out she has breast cancer. I'm trying to make a cancer pin or pendant out of glass for her. This is a great cause.

  3. As always, your post is an inspiration. Thanks for all the great advice. :D

  4. Thanks for that post, hope all who read it really pay attention to what you are saying..You always give such great advice..thank you....
