
Effective Advertising Strategies Article

New Article at www.handmadenews.org! Please check it out, leave comments and vote for me! I'd certainly appreciate it. I have new articles going up there almost every other day and will be doing a feature article real soon!

Today's article is on Effective Advertising Strategies for your handmade business! Here is the link....http://www.handmadenews.org/article/index.php?id=737

Also be sure to check out the advertisers as well! That's what keeps our site going!

Thanks and many blessings! Dawn


  1. Dawn, this is a great idea. But, where do I start?

  2. Linda...I shared in the article that you should do your homework before you jump in to any advertising. Make a list of all the resources that are avaiable such as project wonderful, other blog ads, etc., and then try one or two at a time. Watch your store through google analytics and see how the ads are working and if they are driving traffic. This is the easiest way to get started! Let me know if you have any further questions!!

  3. Excellent article! Thanks for sharing your wisdom!
